Dr. Puggers - HoS application
This is just me, I'm just a random player so feel free to throw this all out with the bathwater.
As you know, the HoS position carries a lot of ability to "steer" a round. They can be the sole force that helps unify a security team, and often from an antag perspective are greatly appreciated for "mediating" the security response so in a round me, the poor pleb vampire or ling has a chance to make some drama and put on a show before being tenderised. I think you recognise this and it's reflected by your wish to apply for the role in earnest to "help out" and I personally think that's a great attitude and why I spoke up earlier.

There's a lot of responsibility as HoS as you'd agree. One thing you might notice from your recent post is that you yourself have said you're relatively new, and you are mostly relying on "assuring" that you can handle that responsibility. I am personally assured, but if you look at a lot of approved HoS applications one theme that tends to trend is that the ones that get a lot of positive support all have a consistent history of training, seen behaviour, and leadership aspects. They've personally had the chance to see the player do it, rather than the player assuring them they can. If you're struggling as detective to get stuck in with displaying that, why not shift things around while we have this huge player bump and lots of new faces? Or if it's one of those quieter sylvester weekday rounds, why not take up the secoff role and do some little training events with other staff? Those kinds of rounds can stick in people's memories as well as frankly help us be a bit more robust. I know I'd enjoy it for one.

While I've no doubt you've been an admin elsewhere, the sad fact is for me is that I used to work for a MUD and did the whole admin shtick a decade back and unfortunately I definitely couldn't be a HoS. It's a cool thing and no doubt you picked up some experience and skills that would be great to apply in helping make things fun here for players, but people have to make their judgement and offer critique and feedback based entirely on what they know of you from your experience here.

I have a problem with getting a string of rounds where I feel I've put in effort and it's been cut short or completely ignored by higher tempo antags. The only reason I bring it up now is that players observe that "salt" and however justified and jaded I feel at the time fellow players pick up on it. I've been very lucky that some of them have spent some time talking through it with me. They've given feedback or explanations in a polite and often useful way due to the community just being "like that" but while I may have felt my "Salt" wasn't "Salt" at the time (or sometimes I've self-acknowledged it) that impression remains and it can bring a damper, even when I'm just some random player in a round. This paragraph essentially exists to say: I've been there, and I get it and your explanation, but found it helpful to take the feedback as given for my benefit and to help the player experience as whole.

Messages In This Thread
Dr. Puggers - HoS application - by Dr. Puggers - 05-23-2024, 03:46 AM
RE: Dr. Puggers - HoS application - by Lefinch - 05-25-2024, 09:23 AM
RE: Dr. Puggers - HoS application - by Munakoiso - 05-26-2024, 02:20 AM
RE: Dr. Puggers - HoS application - by JOELED - 05-26-2024, 06:12 PM
RE: Dr. Puggers - HoS application - by avanth - 05-26-2024, 07:15 PM
RE: Dr. Puggers - HoS application - by Lefinch - 05-27-2024, 01:59 PM
RE: Dr. Puggers - HoS application - by Glamurio - 05-28-2024, 01:25 AM

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