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[MERGED PR] Makes Stowaway a latejoin role
(05-25-2024, 09:31 AM)mintyphresh Wrote:
(05-25-2024, 08:29 AM)Cropsey Wrote: I know there's a small handful of players who take the stowaway trait- myself included- and this seems pretty targeted towards getting rid of that population entirely which seems pretty unwarranted. [...]

We already have a massive issue with people not readying up to get late join roles, this will not make that better.

What problems does not readying up cause? I'm not familiar with how that would affect the game... Making Stowaway a roundstart role makes some sense mechanically, but not design-wise; Stowaway isn't a "Job" like every other roundstart role is, and putting it up there doesn't really feel appropriate since it makes it essentially the king of gimmick jobs.

The intent of this is not to kill Stowaway-- it's still possible to play as a Stowaway, it's just not possible to start with a bartender shotgun or a CE jumpsuit, and you can't do it every single round. I'll make it a guaranteed role, like research assistant, the next time I update the PR.

When the game starts, it counts the amount of players who are readied up and then spawns a proportionate amount of antagonists according to the number of players. If only half of the players ready up and then join right after, that means we get 50% less antagonists than we otherwise would, skewing the balance and vibe of the round. As a band-aid fix, it was changed so that non-readied players count as 1/2 of a full player, because a good chunk of players would join shortly after the round had started. As such, we are currently trying to find ways for players to ready up for round-start, and changing a trait to be latejoin only would do the exact opposite, that's the argument.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [PR] Makes Stowaway a latejoin role - by Glamurio - 05-25-2024, 10:17 AM
RE: [PR] Makes Stowaway a latejoin role - by Cal - 05-27-2024, 08:08 AM

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