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[MERGED PR] Makes Stowaway a latejoin role
I know there's a small handful of players who take the stowaway trait- myself included- and this seems pretty targeted towards getting rid of that population entirely which seems pretty unwarranted.

Changing the stowaway trait is a decent idea RP-wise but this execution is just going to result in getting electrocuted to death in maintenance because you can't find the wire to get the door open. I quite like the idea of a stowaway spawning with a bootleg ID, maybe a paper visitors pass, or locking them out of command/sec jobs where it doesn’t make sense (but again that cuts out some player freedom)

We already have a massive issue with people not readying up to get late join roles, this will not make that better. if the stowaway trait WAS it's own job- the way you suggested- but you take that trait and you only ever roll that job, then that would in theory solve the issue.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [PR] Makes Stowaway a latejoin role - by Cropsey - 05-25-2024, 08:29 AM
RE: [PR] Makes Stowaway a latejoin role - by Cal - 05-27-2024, 08:08 AM

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