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[MERGED PR] Makes Stowaway a latejoin role
In my opinion... no...

The stoway trait is kinda bad anyway.. since it is terrible for a security officer. It defeats the point.

While the role is a good idea, the execution is fucking awful.

In my opinion Stoways should just have two objectives.
"Do not be in handcuffs at the end of a round."
"Have <X> amount of credits on you by the end of the round."

The 1st one is because beepskies will arrest you on sight.
The 2nd one is a reason for stoways to even be on the station. They want money.

Security can ignore em or put em in, but in the end... the stoway is working to get credits on hand with them.

Also notice I said "By the end of the round." They do not have to escape to finish objectives. They just gotta avoid being in cuffs and get money.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [PR] Makes Stowaway a latejoin role - by Kotlol - 05-25-2024, 08:11 AM
RE: [PR] Makes Stowaway a latejoin role - by Cal - 05-27-2024, 08:08 AM

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