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[MERGED PR] Makes Stowaway a latejoin role
Copy-pasting my comment from the PR:

I actually really like this, but my issue with this addition is in removing personality from a character. This issue lies primarily in "latejoining" as a system; it means that if I want to play my stowaway character, I now can't do so unless I happen to see it in the roster. I'd love for this to lead to a follow-up about looking into specialized roles in general, there's a lot of cool ones that rarely see play because you a) need to be lucky enough to have them show up and b) you can only play as them if you latejoin.

Since we currently still have the issue of people latejoining vs. readying up at roundstart, I would personally prefer if all of these separate jobs could be consistently queued for with the same priority as a "staff assistant", if that makes sense. I'd sooner prefer playing a "stowaway" than a "staff assistant" any day of the week, and I'm not taking away real estate since I was only ever competing with other staffies.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [PR] Makes Stowaway a latejoin role - by Glamurio - 05-25-2024, 07:44 AM
RE: [PR] Makes Stowaway a latejoin role - by Cal - 05-27-2024, 08:08 AM

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