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Disease: "Pneumonia","asthma"
Name: Pneumonia
Type: Disease
Description : Pneumonia is a disease about lung infection caused by Virus,Bacteria,Fungi.
There is a more risk to infection in smoking patient
Source : Miasma , Space Fungus ,Lungrot , ( smoking )
Spread : Airborn ( Cough near each other,Exposed to disease agent )
Mechanic : Make you feel sick and have fever , chronic cough , grant you stamina debuff , occasionally oxy damage.
Diagnosis: Pneumonia can diagnosis by clinical from history of chronic cough , fever , dyspnea
Physical examination can find Crepitation on auscultation with Stethoscope.Vital sign will show increase of body temp relevant to Pulse rate.Normally can prevent spreading by using medical glove mask for decrease secretion spreading.untreat disease can lead to sepsis shock.
Treatment : Antibiotic is goal standard treatment
Caution : Steroid ( Robustin) is contradiction to use with infection because it will decrease your immune system and lead to more severe infection 
Special note : Viral pneumonia is less severe and no specific treatment take some rest will cure the disease
Note: this disease will give you annoy debuff and chronic cough like common flu however this disease can lead to severe condition.not only pneumonia encourage people to use medical mask but also doctor use stethoscope which is common tool use in medicine the breath sound can use for differential diagnosis with other disease like Asthma which will tell in the next line.

Type: Disease
Description: Asthma is one of the common airway diseases cause by inflammatory process
emergency conditions can lead to bronchiectasis when exposed to allergen.smoking and exposure to allergen can induce asthmatic attack.
Source : exposure to allergen , histamine , smoking
Spreading : This disease cant not be spreading
Mechanic : in general patient who has asthma was asymptomatic but when exposed to allergic agent like allergic medicine , got stung by wasp and get histamine , expose to smoking will lead to “Asthmatic attack “ once happen you will dyspnea and grant stamina Debuff untreat disease will make air way obstruction and deal OXY damage.
Diagnosis : doctor can diagnosis by history of contact allergic agent and physical exam with stethoscope will found “Wheezing sound”
Treatment :  Steroid is goal standard of treatment of Asthmatic attack and can be use with salbutamol.
Note: the asthma disease is fun disease that can be confused with pneumonia encourage doctor to use steroid more than usual which is rarely use in this game

Messages In This Thread
Disease: "Pneumonia","asthma" - by meaow589 - 05-25-2024, 02:15 AM
RE: Disease: "Pneumonia","asthma" - by Kotlol - 05-25-2024, 05:37 AM
RE: Disease: "Pneumonia","asthma" - by meaow589 - 05-25-2024, 06:31 AM
RE: Disease: "Pneumonia","asthma" - by Kotlol - 05-25-2024, 08:14 AM
RE: Disease: "Pneumonia","asthma" - by meaow589 - 05-25-2024, 06:52 PM

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