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Guardbuddy discussion
For 5, you can go to the space diner/sea diner and the bee merchant has kits for the buddies as well as a number of modules.
For 4, blame the people. I've tried doing guardbuddy gimmicks countless times on goon 4, the few times that people have said yes, they run away from the buddy and it gets lost and never used again. On goon 1/3 the buddy would just die from the crossfire or would see someone throw a punch, try to stun someone, and 20 other people would destroy it.
For 3, the heckle mode is funny and for harassment. You just select a name, so you are able to make it search and harass specific people regardless of if they are using their real name/ID. As an added bonus, the heckler will stun and arrest the heckled if they do a crime, so it can be used by security to make sure someone is following the rules.
For 2, as far as I know, you might be able to upload a custom task by downloading one from the off-station emagged ones, but you cannot control them or revert them whatsoever so it would be like setting them to lethal and purge only.
For 1, Guard mode ignores your crimes and tries to protect you, compared to hug mode which is neutral to you and will arrest you if you so much as punch a monkey, and with it following you around it is only a matter of time before it does try to arrest you. Hug mode is one of the funny tasks which's only real goal is to annoy/be funny.

All-in-all, guardbuddys take DWAINE and most normal players stay away from DWAINE like the plague. If guardbuddys were to get picked up by the general playerbase then it would become hellish, as everyone would be trying to recall someone else's bodyguard, and after setting them to bodyguard themselves then people would delete stuff from the mainframe make it all hellish.

Messages In This Thread
Guardbuddy discussion - by meaow589 - 05-18-2024, 07:25 AM
RE: Guardbuddy discussion - by ju45he - 05-20-2024, 06:24 AM
RE: Guardbuddy discussion - by meaow589 - 05-20-2024, 03:55 PM

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