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Puritan Complaint Thread (with some suggestions)
I can't write intros for shit so im just going to bullet point out my problems and solutions

       THE BAD
  • Puritan is a trait that punishes OTHER PLAYERS ontop of the actual trait taker. Medical allergy is a trait that affects how medical interacts with a player, but if the doctors fuck up it's just you getting owned. Puritan wastes the entire saved up clone and creates a giant mess if you accidentally clone them. I think this is bad
  • Puritan is a trait that makes it much harder for you to get revived, which means there's a real possibility of it being used purely to roll for antag midrolls more efficiently. This isn't THAT bad but I think it's kind of gross and easily fixable
  • Puritan gives 2 points for something that doesn't actually hinder you in any meaningful way. This on top of the previous point makes it pretty Gamer, and I think it could use some rebalancing
  • Thematically (in my opinion) puritan does not make sense. Going off the trait name, you would assume it means that the player's character does not want revival, and has a sort of DNR put in with NT, but instead it makes them violently explode. The other explanation I've seen is that the trait makes the character's genetic code non-compliant with the cloner, but this doesn't make sense either as you still pop out as a human clone, just with a bunch of toxins damage.
  • Puritan, the trait that is supposed to make you not cloneable, does not actually make you uncloneable. Experienced doctor players have on many occasions puricloned successfully, which kind of defeats the entire purpose of the trait

  • IDEA ONE: Make Puritan DNR you. This fits thematically, prevents it from being an antag-rolling trait, and stops fucking over medical players for no reason
  • IDEA TWO: Make puritan meatcube you (or some other flesh creature). This fits with the other thematics it has, but still fucks over medical players. I'd rather another suggestion make it in.
  • IDEA THREE: Make puritans un-cloneable, but not DNR. This keeps borging as an option, fits thematically without being too arbitrary, stops fucking over medical players, but still allows for easier antag-rolling. Probably the best compromise solution, given that the antag-rolling part of Puritan isn't really an issue.
  • BONUS IDEA: maybe knock the points it gives down by 1 or something idk i dont actually care about the points it gives that much
  • if you guys have ideas post them i guess this isnt an exhaustive list

Messages In This Thread
Puritan Complaint Thread (with some suggestions) - by Kotomata - 05-16-2024, 11:15 AM

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