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i think it's time to try player caps.
I figure I should share my experience here. I am making no jabs at specific individuals here, of course.

For the longest time I could remember, 3 and 4 had split populations that would sometimes result in 3 being high pop, or 4 being high pop, but it was close. I'm not sure what changed exactly, but classic players began migrating heavily to 3, and then things just changed. 3 felt like it was less about RP. People didn't want to talk to me, or engage with me. When the population is over 50, things start feeling crazy. I can't really handle the information overload that comes my way and I end up feeling frustrated, when I should be feeling positive things from playing my favorite video game. Go ahead and say its a skill issue or whatever, others have.

Right now, on 4? It is miserable. The people who play alongside me on 4 are fantastic, but it has very quickly become a quiet place. Events and incidents that occur every round on 3, happen every four or five rounds on 4 - Mass medical issues, singulooses, things like that. I spend so much time trying to find stuff to do. It's boring. The miserable part of 4 is significantly better than the overwhelming stuff that I feel on 3, though, which is why I keep playing. The two days during and after April Fools? They were fantastic. (I feel bad for saying that, a very talented person made an extremely unique and wacky take on how we play Goon by making it isometric). The population being 30-40 on both felt alive. I could swap between servers based on whatever games were running! I was seeing people that I hadn't seen in a really long time! And then it died out again.

I know I can't be alone here. Others like me who play on 4 but would like just some more people. We just need something to encourage people to hop on. I actually got to coach a new miner yesterday, and that was a lot of fun! I had to stop myself and let them have their own fun and let them explore mining, and I got to repair science after it exploded and killed the only scientist.

I'm not sure if a server cap would fix that. I would really like to see something, anything though. I'm not sure what everyone thinks 4 is. I hope its not something like "Meta-cliques who custom emote you to death" or "the hardest corest role players". But I think the people who play on 4 have a lot they can share with people, if there was just a few more people regularly.

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RE: i think it's time to try player caps. - by Nerkson - 05-15-2024, 07:52 PM

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