05-15-2024, 01:33 AM
Classic player but there is some things I'd like to add here on this particular topic.
Quote:This would also help deal with the limited but existing problem of "I'm only here because Classic is quiet" people.From my experiences with moving players, it correlates greatly with another issue with classic mentioned later, namely.
Quote:unfortunately people are going to do that regardless, and many have (citing classic's antag rampages and culture problems).Whenever I see a new RP regular come back to classic for a round or two their reason for converting from whenever I've personally asked isn't among the lines of "I just wanted to RP" and more along the lines of "I was sick of the validhunting and powergaming". If goon3's overpopulation is a issue, then maybe trying to address the issues for the large migration of classic players there (its more pop based these days but the reason it got to that being a thing stands) instead of moving them to a lower pop RP server may be something also worth looking into. I've never felt like these mentioned rules have had any strict correlation with RP and could help with culture issues, then again not a admeme, this may be shit for ahelp quantities, although I do remember at least a year back in the discord them asking for more ahelps in this category so idk, whole thread here probably is overstepping.