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i think it's time to try player caps.
Good responses, but I feel like just doing a cap is rude. (@Zamu)

I am just trying to make ideas here to allow indirect methodes to be part of a bigger round.
To be fair making a good idea from this is next to impossible. But booting them to the next server also causes issues.
This is just a hard problem to fix since whatever we chose it's gonna cause problems.

100+ RP server? You can't get RP going for 30ish players wich is 25%. It's doable but hard and a lot of maps you wil start stepping on eachother's toes easily.

Introduce a cap and sending players to the other servers? Pisses off people who want to roleplay on high pop and might just cause a 3rd RP server to appear eventually if these predictable peaks are coming. Problems will arrise for this one regardless since people are like: "Well I am not playing then" or "my friends and I will shuffle around."

Doing half meassures like I would suggest would just annoy players too and can cause other issues.

The main issue to focus on is dead players and observers. Do we allow observers? if so.. when is a dead player considered an observer and there for.. Out of the game for their slot to open up? NEVER? 10 mins? When they can't be cloned anymore (DNR)? This is also hard to answer to a degree and will be hard to code in.
Let alone dead players becoming antag critters for spawn events, NTSO events or spawns of the wraiths.

I think this is the biggest discussion point we need to answer right now before the flood gates open:
"What do we do with dead players/observers/afk/cryoers?"

Once we can answer this one, putting in the cap can annoy players all they like, but atleast we won't get people trying to sidestep the issue in anyway.

Cause any answer will give a problem from people hogging slots and then afking/cryoing/dieing to hold a slot THEY AINT USING.
Or ..People afking/cryoing/dieing and then undoing that to get over the cap limit.

So what say we people? Do we say 1st come 1st serve and if the player goes away, the slot cannot be refilled?
Or can the slot get refilled but what systems prevent it from being abused to get over the cap?
Or do we say: "no observers/ghosts"?

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RE: i think it's time to try player caps. - by Kotlol - 05-14-2024, 11:16 AM

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