HoS application: Ishmael Belmont
(05-10-2024, 04:27 AM)klushy225 Wrote: Ishmael is a good player, someone I can often rely on to take care of things I need done when I'm playing HoS. As Meaow mentioned, they are very communicative over the radio, which is a nice behavior to observe. Recently, I witnessed Ishmael taking a newbee security assistant for a comprehensive training round, which was lovely to see, as training holds a special place in my heart. My only major concern is the leaking of OOC information into an IC context. A recent example is the discussion of previous rounds and application feedback in great detail IC. I'm not too worried about this, as I think this can be easily overcome within the span of this cycle. Very worst case scenario, by the next.

Overall, a +1 from me.  Keep up the good work! Always lovely to see you around!  Boogiebot

I'll be sure to avoid doing that in the future, thank you for the feedback.

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RE: HoS application: Ishmael Belmont - by SomeOlFellow - 05-10-2024, 10:37 AM

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