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Make Disease chemical actually makeable.
I like to add the impact pathology had when it was on.

Imagine... art science finding a bomb every round and it going off, destroying half the station and now the entire shift is dedicated to building science again.

That's the impact it had. Every round it was 2 pandemics where we all had to stay in medbay till they turned off pathology for the shift.
Repeat that for 2 days and admins/devs turned it off.

This is why we don't want em in chems to make it return. Unless the chem diseases aren't "contagious" at all. Then I have no problem with 'em since now it's just another poison.

Artsci is fine since no one controls that.

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RE: Make Disease chemical actually makeable. - by Kotlol - 05-10-2024, 06:12 AM

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