Carton's Head of Security Application!
Usual character name: Andrew Pieter, Mesa Costache, 
BYOND username: Carton171
Discord username (if you are on our discord): .carton
Recommended by (if applicable): N/A
Goon servers you play: Goon 3 and 4

Reason for application: it's been a little over two years that I've been on goon, and just a little less that that (Not including a couple of breaks I've taken) that I've been playing security, pretty consistently! I've had a lot of fun, especially when I get to opportunity to lead security teams or teach new sec players. The same as my last application, this one is both because I feel I'm ready to step up and try being a HOS, and because I'm looking for more feedback, especially since I didn't get a significant amount of useful feedback on my last application.

Security experience (300 word minimum):

I originally started playing security in the early months of 2022, and my starting shifts were primarily on lowpop, because at the time I was intimated by the idea of doing security in the chaos of a highpop round. This actually ended up backfiring on me, as due to it being lowpop, I was frequently the only security on station, and I was only a secass, and a new one at that!

Those early shifts nearly scared me away from security, but the presence of quite a few lovely officers, (many of whom are now Heads of Security themselves) who trained me and showed me the ropes, kept me playing, and soon I became a full time security main! Over time I've gone from solely playing security to playing a variety of roles and characters, but security is still the role that has my heart.

Over the past two years I've had the opportunity to learn a lot of valuable skills that have let me improve from a security perspective: When to push hard, and when to take a more hands off approach. Deduction and reasoning, how to track down a suspect that's being extremely quiet with their activities, or that is trying to lie their way out of punishment. Especially important I've learned how to handle both minor and major crimes, and repeat offenders, a most importantly, when it is necessary to execute a suspect, and who it is necessary to get involved in that process, which is an important lesson I think a lot of security struggles with. I've been taught how to make decisions and allocate team resources, like coordinating who's going to respond to a call, to make sure you don't send the entire team after the staffie who strangled a monkey, while the traitor is currently breaking into the armoury. As well, I've gained a good understanding of the tools at securities disposal, (Even if I can't shake the feeling that I've forgotten something when I'm grabbing my stuff at the start of the round) and to extend that, my favourite part of the role: Teaching new secasses/secoffs how to use those tools, as well as teaching the many other parts of being a security officer. The last and most important thing I've had the chance to learn is how to draw fun and engaging roleplay from as many security interactions as possible, both major and minor. Whether that's fun RP interrogating a traitor, or just explaining the law to a staffie who doesn't understand it, or even just showing your presence, and checking in with departments to make sure they're doing well!

Security is an extremely fun role to play and teach, and I've enjoyed it so much over the past two years, and I believe I'm ready to do more!

Answer two or more of the following:

What advice would you give to other sec players?

In my last application I spoke about the importance of putting pressure on inactive antags WITHOUT hounding them, as doing so can ruin their rounds and actually discourage them from taking action. In this application I'd like to speak about something else, so this is my advice to other security players:

Learn how to die. No, I don't mean learn how to LET yourself die, though on occasion as security or not, (But not as HOS) it can be good to play into roleplay that might lead to your death. WHAT I mean is, learn how to handle it when try as you might, you can't do anything, and the antag wins. Learn how to take a step back from the game, take a breath, accept it, even if it was frustrating, and then move on. If the antag kills you, and you're frustrated, and you just want to yell at someone in discord or deadchat, get up, go get a glass of water, a snack, or something of the like, and then come back when you're feeling better, respawn with another character, or maybe even as a ghostdrone, (seriously, playing ghostdrone is an amazing way to calm down) and keep playing! I guarantee you, and the round, will be better for it.

Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.

Naturally my playstyle varies quite a bit when I have a full team of backup versus when I'm the only security on station. For one thing when I'm solo, I'm a HELL of a lot more active. On a full security team I'm happy to let others handle certain matters, and rather than run to every single call, I'll sometimes wait in reserve for if the situation escalates, or if we have another call. As well when I'm dealing with something with a full team I'm much happier to invest my full focus into whatever it is, rather than trying to keep track of the entire round. I can always get clarification and information from the rest of the team after I'm done! On solo rounds though, sometimes I find myself having to drop a minor issue to run to a bigger one, or having to try manage two situations at once because they're both extremely important. Another thing that changes is my response to the use of force against myself and the crew. I'm far more strict when it comes to responding to violence, especially violence against myself or other critical personnel (the only doctor, the captain, etc.) on lowpop purely as a matter of necessity, as allowing those crew members to die can turn the round into a mess in record time.

Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):

Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.

Playing a secoff.
All is calm, It's A-Okay.
Here comes the clown, I-URK.

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): None, and I hope to keep it that way!

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Carton's Head of Security Application! - by Carton - 05-08-2024, 07:58 PM

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