Rufus Mcdunfish? Foolish Mcdumbass (Mentor App)
You're very active in the discord, and I cannot speak for how you are in game but there's been a few conversations with you I've walked away from feeling confused, and I haven't really seen you answer any questions in the questions channel in the discord, either. I don't know if I would've stuck with the game given how on occassion I once saw you mention the classic discord chat and told people to go to general because people have 'proper' conversations. Not direct wording. Someone to me would have to be consistently kind in the discord and fairly active when it comes to questions for recommending them to mentor.

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RE: Rufus Mcdunfish? Foolish Mcdumbass (Mentor App) - by 444explorer - 05-07-2024, 06:28 AM

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