Munches Paper HoS application attempt two
Upon appraisal in recent rounds I have noticed a repeating paytern developing to put off confrontation or delay pubishment due to early round antag reveals.

If someone has 3 or 4 kills under their belt even if its only 15 minutes in that doesn't mean they should just have their equipment taken and released to the wild.

Antags deserve to be taken seriously, if they are behaving in a serious manner.

I would suggest in the future before releasing people to consult command or the team first. Even if its early round mass murder is still murder. Just as an antag should ne taken seriously, so to does actions. Antags aren't guaranteed a pass just because they got caught, rather the actions taken should be examined. If they just pulled out a shotgun or chainsaw or started fireballing people then response shoild be proportionate.

Asking the team or captain or both helps create rp!

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RE: Munches Paper HoS application attempt two - by Silent Majority - 05-04-2024, 11:05 PM

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