Jack Hunter HOS application (3rd times the charm)
(04-14-2024, 02:43 PM)jan.antilles Wrote: Given that this application appears to be a literal copy paste of your last two, it would be helpful to actually get some kind of examples of how you've "altered your gameplay and yourself" other than just that statement. How do you think you've changed in a way that would make you a better candidate for HoS?

Ahh sorry about the copy paste and late reply didn't check till now, I figured my statements still fit with my ideas. as for the better candidate thing. I was planning on adding a section on how i changed but i feared people might not want it but now i know they do want it so here goes.

I have been working really hard on distancing myself from Jack the character to take failures with less "oooh im so baddd" and more "oh well, cant win them all" type attitude, cause that is a horrible attitude to have, Losing in a game shouldn't define who I am so I'm trying my hardest to not let it any more. now that's not to say I'm perfect nobody can be I'm sure at some point something will anger me, but now i know rather then to go complain in chat I can just leave the game for a while too cool off, eventually any negative emotions will subside and people wont have to deal with me thinking poor of myself. 

As for gameplay, I think I've really improved on my coordination and decision making skills as of late, especially since the first one, where as before I'd stand around waiting for someone's word on whether or not my decision was good or asking the HOS what they want to do. i have far more confidence in my decision making. in fact since there were so many people giving good wishes and hope for me as well as people actively trusting my decisions on things my self confidence has improved a lot from my first application, I don't think I've made even one self depreciative joke since the second application was posted, partially in part by the expectation that HOS don't think that way not only have i been trying to "act more like how an HOS would" in security but in other things as well, I haven't ended up a passive antagonist in a while since I got over that fear of failure and just played the game.

in any case I don't believe I'm a bad player anymore or that the outcome of this application defines who I am. I really just wanna be a better player for the entire community.

Oh yeah, leadership was a big concern on the last one, so i think I've gotten pretty comfortable leading folks around, as much as one can get while being the same rank as the others and doing it all in requests, for the most part people do what I ask them and things go along pretty fine. my biggest issue before was just feeling like I would have been too demanding or disrespecting the beret and the later has been said to me. but I think I've found a good way to "lead" without "leading". at least as an officer or assistant.

I suppose this whole thing has been about me overcoming my fears, not just as security but as a player. a while ago i was consumed by it, worried that any failure would lead to me feeling bad about myself and stagnating as a result. and I can only hope to overcome them all and be a better person at the end of things.

(04-20-2024, 01:38 PM)smallsandman Wrote: I feared people might not want it but now i know they do want it so here goes.
Specifically, I was worried I wouldn't have been able to fit it into a "application" style format and that people wouldn't like it due to that.

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RE: Jack Hunter HOS application (3rd times the charm) - by smallsandman - 04-20-2024, 01:38 PM

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