Munches Paper HoS application attempt two
I have consistently come into rounds either spectating or as HoS and noticed Munches leading the team through respectful communication, fairly dealing with situations, and helping usher other team members into making decisions where the team has gotten paralyzed by the chaos of a round. After rounds, I have personally watched them refrain from any negative behavior towards other players such as complaining about specific people's actions during a particularly rough round even when others had gotten caught up in it. To me this showed a degree of maturity which is invaluable to the role. When there are things that they struggled with such as particularly straining rounds I noticed that they keep good track of themselves and do not push themselves beyond their limits choosing instead to disengage to calm their mind which I also thought was very good behavior to see in an applicant. Overall, I think Munches entirely capable performing well as a HoS/NTSC given how skilled they are in the matters that the roles require and their stellar track record so far. Very easy +1 from myself.

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RE: Munches Paper HoS application attempt two - by Wander - 04-17-2024, 07:51 PM

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