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Suggestion: Armory Doors have flaps to be critter proof
(04-07-2024, 09:09 AM)Wisemonster Wrote: I don't think ghost critters can eat food anymore, rather they just nibble on it. The easier solution would just be having the NARC ignore ghost critters, rather than making it's bullet deal 0 damage to N2O tanks and cans.
They can pick it up and eat it infinitely (or infinite nibbles) but never feel the full effect.

So Cog maps 2 donuts are now gonna be snagged by critters and dropped on who they like.
I am not against this, but some maps do allow critters to sneak in and steal stuff. It's not much... but you know those robust donuts are gonna be stolen each cogmap2 by a critter player.

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RE: Suggestion: Armory Doors have flaps to be critter proof - by Kotlol - 04-07-2024, 09:24 AM

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