Edwardo Pedro-Gonzales Hos application.
erikkainn understands the basic fundamentals of the game, as well as combat, normal procedures, chain of command and the common ideals of basic rp space. They are, at a technical level, competent and have a base of knowledge I would consider more then adequate.

I feel that erikkainn should work on communication, the HoS is a facilitator role and their pressence on the field is often less important then their ability to adequately and quickly communicate, divide their attention, and make snap but fair judgements moment to moment.

A further look and working on the issue of interaction with crew and antagonists would do well to assist you in this goal. The goal of security is not to beat the antagonist. The goal of security is to provide opposition to the antagonists. We aren't there to win, we're there to play the job of security. To respond with adequate response to things.

In the future I would recommend learning to temper your reactions to be reactionary rather than provocative. Take threats seriously. Take crime seriously. But a thin vaneer of willfull obstinance and ignorance goes a long way for allowing an antag a chance to stand up and get ready to do their bit. Antags are not 'owed a win', but the least we can, as security, do is give antags a chance. Don't pre-prep for the bad guys, instead, try to prepare in REACTION to the antags. Additional gear and items can be gathered or used when warented if there is difficulty. Cool plans are awesome.

Keep trying, work hard, and we'll see you grow I am more then sure. I have full confidence that you have the capacity for all the things I and the others have said to be taken to heart, incorporated, and your own play to change, and ideally, to become more fun and fufilling for yourself and others.

Best of luck, Ed.

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RE: Edwardo Pedro-Gonzales Hos application. - by Silent Majority - 03-31-2024, 01:10 PM

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