Edwardo Pedro-Gonzales Hos application.
Usual character name:Edwardo Pedro- Gonzales (current clone number 43)
BYOND username:erikkainn
Discord username (if you are on our discord): 
Recommended by (if applicable): no real recommendations but more of just a few people saying " the worst cent can say is no."
Goon servers you play: Server number 3 Morty

Reason for application: I am a security department "main". I feel While I cannot replace any of the hos I have worked with, I feel like I can help when there is a lack of leadership and be a stable force for the good of the station and team.

Security experience (300 word minimum): I have been playing sec since I started almost a year ago now. I have learned a lot over the past year... And while I have branched out into different departments none has the same feel of teamwork and closeness as security does, which is what has brought me to "main" it. I try my best to be competent and a team player to protect the lives of the other crew and ensure they are safe. When I am sec and the team is unsupervised by hos or Nt, I try to give advice and focus us on a goal. Trying to take inspiration and follow the example of Alex and Otto who were the two Hos's I can say that have trained me over the year (or just been the ones I've worked under the most). I won't lie and say I've been a model sec officer, I have indeed been shitsec at times and am prone to mistakes like anyone else. But I think I have really come along over the long year and become an officer that most security can point at and go "ya he's alright".  I still feel I have things to learn as does everyone, because everything should be a learning experience and a chance to grow. When it comes to my job on the sec team I find myself usually detective or thinking in a detective mindset. In other words, I observe try to gather evidence, communicate with the team and refer to my hunches as paranoia and overthink scenarios. As i mentioned before I find that sec is more of a team then any other department on the station and that we have to have each other's back. It is my hope that my fellow officers see me as someone they can rely on.  Remember the most important advice for sec at sec start is.. Greet your team, say a one liner.. Then remind everyone to get a clone scan and keep in touch.

Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players?:  The basic advice i would give sec members is, Get a clone scan, stay in touch. Lable your stuff and warnings first.
  • What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one): Ok so this one is a small story... Ranni had held the bridge hostage after securing a gun and the cap as hostage as well... The doors were bolted and Ranni had the power... But I had access to teleporter so i teleported in... Had the big monologue, played the ruse of sure I'm on your side Ranni, ok ill execute a hostage... Then blam! turn around and gun them down instead... No civilian casualties and the day saved. This stands out to me as the most memorable story because i used my wits, I thought quick and it's the first time i can think of as sec, i managed to save the day.
  • What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?: Ok this ones a bit biased. But a thing i think would benefit sec players... Is for the detective to be able to tell from a glance what ammo is in their gun. So like a physical change to the gun when either stuns or lethal are loaded.  I have had a number of accidents where i shot what i thought was a stun and it was a lethal. Either from grabbing ammo so fast during a fight or chase or from forgetting i had it loaded for a lethal fight (like against a ling or something)  and forgetting to replace it when going to deal with someone who's just being an annoyance and breaking into things.
  • Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.. I play a lot more careful. I try to ask the captain or the ai to help keep an eye out so i can respond to situations faster.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
  • ]Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13. Youre a syndie in Red. I put on the Nt Blue. I am edwardo. Now who the hell are you?
  • What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run? : Ive done a shift of mime cop... That was fun if not a bit frustrating to others. Ive wanted to run a medieval/western themed sec team... Like have us dressed as cowboys or knights.. Ive done the cowboy thing as detective a few times. 
  • Draw a picture!: I cant draw.. but have a gunpla i made. if i could figure out how to uplaod it..
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): I have had two bans... One for mag dumping as traitor detective... (Killed a staffie was hiding in during a flooded ochean round.. Wanted to add to the body count i had ranni commit as the trickster persona from mindhack.. but i didnt play it out i just executed.) And the second time for gang leader detective... I threw a rival gang member out of an airlock after stunning and handcuffing them.

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Edwardo Pedro-Gonzales Hos application. - by erikkainn - 03-30-2024, 12:38 PM

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