03-25-2024, 01:02 AM
Application is poorly structured even with whitespace added. The fact the first thing you talk about is how many antags you have killed and how you would like to spawn with a lethal weapon tell me that you do not fully grasp the reasons behind Securities toolkit. Saying that you 'do every other job' is rather concerning, as even if there is no stay in your lane rule in classic, I would expect Security, especially a HoS to either assist with some gimmick or do Security work, instead of others jobs. Calling it 'crackhead cop mode' also doesn't bode well for me considering that despite your (very short) advice on reasoning with antags, I wouldn't trust someone who labels themselves a s a 'crackhead cop' to reason with them. Also, you never filled in the reason for application (or you shoved it into the Experience section to hit word count). Hard no from me. Maybe in the next few cycles?