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More security busywork!!
Here's a dumb but fun one: "Ticket Quota's"

Each officer must dispense atleast 2 tickets per round or else they miss out on a bonus. I do mean the ones with a fine and approved by a HoP/Captain/HoS.
A small incentive to do something stupid like road traps.
I like playing the "Clearly power tripping security member who wants to fine someone, but still a good cop in the end that doesn't resort to violence." Gig a lot.

Now the fine can litterly be 1 credit and it's just a fun incentive that can be ignored.

As for more emergencies... I will say this: 3 from Meaow589.. PLEASE NO! Do not make it more hell for AI players to give the security something to do.
The rest of the suggestion from both of you are fine.

But I do have other things for security to do, not just the standard emergency events increasing.

"A personal item hunt that is contraband." You know the things SPIEFS sometimes have to steal? Why not have one random crew mate item be contraband that security has to find and add a new one each 15 mins? Kinda like "Security Requisitions"

"The following item <<Item name not person>> was smuggled aboard the station and has been deemed contraband due to (Health risks/Being an illegal bootleg/Faulty Transport/Not paying the import tax) and has to be confiscated at all costs."

In my opinion... security doesn't need more emergencies but more moments to interact with crew and it being negative in this case.. just sets up comedy.

Messages In This Thread
More security busywork!! - by TDHooligan - 03-18-2024, 08:55 AM
RE: More security busywork!! - by meaow589 - 03-18-2024, 09:31 AM
RE: More security busywork!! - by Kateaclysm - 03-18-2024, 09:55 AM
RE: More security busywork!! - by Kotlol - 03-18-2024, 10:03 AM
RE: More security busywork!! - by Frank_Stein - 03-21-2024, 01:55 PM
RE: More security busywork!! - by Kotlol - 03-21-2024, 01:59 PM
RE: More security busywork!! - by TDHooligan - 03-22-2024, 02:45 AM
RE: More security busywork!! - by Mouse - 03-22-2024, 06:02 AM
RE: More security busywork!! - by Kateaclysm - 03-18-2024, 12:07 PM
RE: More security busywork!! - by babayetu83 - 03-19-2024, 03:27 PM
RE: More security busywork!! - by ju45he - 03-20-2024, 07:30 AM
RE: More security busywork!! - by Sord213 - 03-21-2024, 02:16 PM
RE: More security busywork!! - by babayetu83 - 03-21-2024, 05:06 PM
RE: More security busywork!! - by Silent Majority - 03-22-2024, 09:05 AM
RE: More security busywork!! - by JanusRose - 03-22-2024, 08:14 AM
RE: More security busywork!! - by Chasu - 03-22-2024, 09:38 AM

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