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RANDOM: am i insane or do flamers do way more
Ill comment on this as I have used the chem mix mentioned here I feel like the main issue with blob against flame throwers is how blob tiles recognize damage from fire. As of right now blob tiles take damage from fire every single time they are hit by a flame or a flame spawns on top of them with no cool down for how often they can get hit. This was not a issue when flame throwers had one mode only and could shoot like once every two seconds but with full auto flamers can hit a blob tile around four times a second which deals so much damage that you can kill a nucleous in around 30 seconds solo. This gets way worse when you combine it with the death mix mentioned which is not only so easy to make that you can make 1000's of units in 2-3 mins without prep, but also abuses the fact blobs dont have a hit cool down by spamming fire chem reactions on top of the regular flame itself that can kill a nucleus in around 5 seconds or less.

In my opinion something that could go a long way for blob is to make it so tiles can only take damage once a second or half a second by fire so you can delete entire sections of flame resistant tiles in seconds.

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RE: RANDOM: am i insane or do flamers do way more - by rando212 - 03-11-2024, 11:20 AM

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