03-08-2024, 03:23 AM
As people point out...
It can be an amazing pay off... IF you do it correctly.
But most of the time. It doesn't.
It was just your emag spamming antagonist. And the worst part is... most players DO NOT KNOW who done it unless they say so in OOC.
So if let's say.. it's a non-antagonist who somehow got their hands on an emag. You wouldn't know, unless everyone Ahelps it, everytime the shuttle is emagged.
The other problem with it. Is escalation... and while my favorite type of escalation would be announcing the fact you are taking the shuttle and now the crew has to defend it's arrival (WICH IS COOL since now the whole station is involved), Everytime it happened it went either from:
"Ooh the guy spamming emags every where did it"
OR the most common
"We had an antagonist with an emag??'
Yea the most common occurance of this is litterly, "I didn't know we had an antagonist, let alone one with an emag."
In my opinion.. this stuff needs to be banned. Since a traitor head can pulls this off with relative ease and that makes it no fun.
If we want emagging the shuttle to remain. Then insted of an early leave, it gets delayed a minute insted with an announcement going: "Shuttle destination changed!"
And now the shuttle has to be fought and fixed before it leaves to "whoknowswhere" (Can be a funny destination that's not centcomm and everyone gets the "Did not escape" ending)
But as it stands now. Emagging the shuttle 90% of the time ruins the atomsphere and makes most of the time players go: "Well... that sucked."
It is similiar to getting out cryo, checking in the radio what's needed and then BOOM you explode due to a random traitor bombing you didn't know existed yet.
My other biggest issue is that emagging the shuttle ruins chances for other antags who want to do a shuttle gimmick. Cause now you don't have the full audiance you wanted...
So while in classic it's part of the fun. In RP , it needs to be changed/removed. And while some say: "I hate the shuttle escapes since it's boring/chaotic."
That's a small problem, but.. overall "stealing the shuttle" needs to be done differently with escalation possible.
Maybe emagging the shuttle call computer would announce the arrival of a syndicate shuttle players gotta fight over as another suggestion?
I can go on, but it needs changing. That's that.
It can be an amazing pay off... IF you do it correctly.
But most of the time. It doesn't.
It was just your emag spamming antagonist. And the worst part is... most players DO NOT KNOW who done it unless they say so in OOC.
So if let's say.. it's a non-antagonist who somehow got their hands on an emag. You wouldn't know, unless everyone Ahelps it, everytime the shuttle is emagged.
The other problem with it. Is escalation... and while my favorite type of escalation would be announcing the fact you are taking the shuttle and now the crew has to defend it's arrival (WICH IS COOL since now the whole station is involved), Everytime it happened it went either from:
"Ooh the guy spamming emags every where did it"
OR the most common
"We had an antagonist with an emag??'
Yea the most common occurance of this is litterly, "I didn't know we had an antagonist, let alone one with an emag."
In my opinion.. this stuff needs to be banned. Since a traitor head can pulls this off with relative ease and that makes it no fun.
If we want emagging the shuttle to remain. Then insted of an early leave, it gets delayed a minute insted with an announcement going: "Shuttle destination changed!"
And now the shuttle has to be fought and fixed before it leaves to "whoknowswhere" (Can be a funny destination that's not centcomm and everyone gets the "Did not escape" ending)
But as it stands now. Emagging the shuttle 90% of the time ruins the atomsphere and makes most of the time players go: "Well... that sucked."
It is similiar to getting out cryo, checking in the radio what's needed and then BOOM you explode due to a random traitor bombing you didn't know existed yet.
My other biggest issue is that emagging the shuttle ruins chances for other antags who want to do a shuttle gimmick. Cause now you don't have the full audiance you wanted...
So while in classic it's part of the fun. In RP , it needs to be changed/removed. And while some say: "I hate the shuttle escapes since it's boring/chaotic."
That's a small problem, but.. overall "stealing the shuttle" needs to be done differently with escalation possible.
Maybe emagging the shuttle call computer would announce the arrival of a syndicate shuttle players gotta fight over as another suggestion?
I can go on, but it needs changing. That's that.