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Goofy Moments Thread
With a squad of Nukies, me and my compatriots made an active decision to fluke. We decided to be covert Ninjas of the Spitting Lhama Temple. With the great force of a thousand sun's on our shoulders we all took disguises and katanas besides our captain. Also the God's gave us shurikens.

I took it upon myself to track down and kill the captain, disguised as a janitor. This did not work and I attempted multiple assassinations failing all of them. Eventually the medical bay had enough of me and beat me up, however I managed to stand and cry "DISHONOR!" before suiciding to trigger an explosion. Many other Ninja Nukies died in similarly funny ways.

The commander, who was the only one in full gear believed us all to be alive and was the last of us. Stomping down the halls, he was massacring everyone and wondering what happened to his operatives. Unfortunately he met his demise when accidentally tripping into the crusher.

Messages In This Thread
Goofy Moments Thread - by JanusRose - 02-11-2024, 01:47 PM
RE: Goofy Moments Thread - by BadShot - 02-11-2024, 05:07 PM
RE: Goofy Moments Thread - by klushy225 - 02-14-2024, 12:59 PM
RE: Goofy Moments Thread - by JanusRose - 02-27-2024, 01:00 PM

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