Munches Paper HoS application attempt two
two things I'd like to add to this(can't edit appeals-)
1- I tried coding the hair thing. dear lord that was a nightmare, I might try and tackle it again later
and more importantly
2- I realize that my performance lately hasn't been the best- sorry about that to anybody observing me. I've been really stressed lately, and I'll often come home completely exhausted and try to play a round. Usually, it doesn't end too well. So another thing I'd like to tell fellow officers- take care of yourself. Playing sec well requires a lot of focus at times, and sometimes that amount of attention required just isn't there. It's better to take care of yourself, maybe play slightly less, and perform much better than to overwork yourself, perform not as well, and not take care of yourself properly. And do remember that when all is said and done, it's a game, not your life. Also, just another sorry to those who commented on the last application- Like I said, I felt that one was rushed, and because you can't really edit these, I decided to ask an admin to delete the last one so I can make a new one.

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RE: Munches Paper HoS application attempt two - by klushy225 - 02-26-2024, 05:53 PM

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