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The relevance of Extended rounds on RP
I'm a big fan of extended shifts. Their weakness, though, is that there's no designated person to initiate activities. Just about everything players do in-game is player-initiated, but antags have a special mantle of expectation they bear to cause conflicts that create events and, if all goes well, tell a story. Without that designated role, a round can stagnate, especially if nobody takes charge and does something interesting.

The issue (one that I think has gotten worse since the way to tell if a round is Extended was removed) is that player attention is limited. Holding a big presentation on how to run the ABCU runs the risk of an antagonist interrupting it halfway through. At the same time, an antagonist might have significantly less crew to bounce off of if half of them are all in one room watching a presentation. I sure wouldn't want to plan a big event just for it to get grifed 4 no raisin.

Extended might benefit from an "event organizer" role-- the anti-antag of the gamemode. Something where they know they have "control" over the round, in a sense-- no need to worry about antags. Maybe their objectives are to throw a dinner, or lead an azone expedition, or hold a contest; like an antag role, they can choose to ignore it if they want. Could even implement a conspiracy-like team system or something (though I don't think that would work out).

Definitely agreed that there should never be consecutive Extended rounds, though, that sucks so bad when that happens.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The relevance of Extended rounds on RP - by mintyphresh - 02-16-2024, 11:59 PM

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