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Official Traitor Items Discussion Thread (Wonk)
Chemists have plenty of toys as is but this idea was just too tempting for me to refrain from posting it.
Chemical Sprayer/Syndicate Flamethrower
Comes with a backpack tank and a hand-held sprayer nozzle
Tank holds X units of whatever you put in it and cannot be emptied by hand, only through use. Must be worn to operate. It could use a red version of the jetpack sprite.
Sprayer is capable of igniting the chems it emits and can act as a smoke projector if loaded with smoke powder.
Give it an X-tile range and maybe add alternate attack patterns that trade range for a cone of fire (rather than a straight line like a spraybottle, it could switch to a fire-extinguisher-style cone or maybe fire a "wad" of whatever's loaded in it as a projectile at a high unit cost, doing this with smoke just causes a single, high-velocity puff)

*If it was an item for everyone, it'd probably be nice to give some of the traders a few "pre-loaded" tanks to sell. Sketchy D could sell drug-smoke tanks and C.A.R.L. could sell hell mixes/death smoke. Otherwise they'd have to make due with welding fuel/break into departments to get any of the especially potent stuff. Of course, you could always have the default tank spawn full of something mild, so that anyone looking to turn it into their doomsday device has to take the time to empty it without being seen while normal users get something to play with if they can't get anything special.

End User pros
-Versatile weapon
-Largely limited only by one's imagination
-Large capacity

End User Cons
-Also limited by access and chemistry know-how
-Takes up backpack slot for proper operation
-Nearly as obvious as running around in command armor whilst firing off a spacker 12 at passersby.
-Cannot use foam mixes

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