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faith mechanic ideas here plz
I play chaplain regularly on Classic, here are my thoughts:

-On 'ways to gain faith supposed to encourage the chaplain to interact and rp with other people', not quite so on Classic where rarely anyone visit chapel (except when nuclear warhead armed in chapel). Most viable way to gain faith was to pull the monkey from bar to chapel and well.. make it bleed, a lot, to bait janitors and nearly people to absolute destroy said monkey. Just make chapel dirty and leave, come back some minutes later and dirty it again if somebody cleaned the place. Or even pull the ssd players to chapel. Obviously it's not 'rp with other people' but it just works, one may even call this 'power gaming'.  Often time, people take over the chapel to build stuff, do things, start a cult, host a feast, funeral, wedding, floor drawing... etc. These occasions either hardly catch any interaction or manage to get a crowd only to end up with 12 micros, in which case faith become useless.

-I have no problem playing in the current system since there is visually no down side. Faith won't go down. It will only increase, and up your healing bonus (if any people let you to beat them with the bible). Faith (not the gun of course) does not directly interact with antag (vampire, wizard) abilities or effect any action regardless if it performed in chapel, near chapel or on the other side of station. No downside at all.

-My suggestions are:
+Addition to ways to gain faith:
. People stay inside chapel while chaplain is there get more faith bonus than when chaplain is busy valid hunting vampire on other side of station, overtime.
. If chaplain heals people with bible and get a 'thank you father' (or similar keywords) by said person, single.
. When chaplain applies holy water on vampire, or beating vampire with bible, single.
. When a dead spaceman inside a coffin being spaced by chapel mass driver, single per round.
. When people dies on same tile a bible lying, but not by bible farting, single.
. Chaplain if they hold the starting bible on their left hand for a certain time, increase overtime, is bonus faith, bonus reset when dropping bible.
. If vampire (or even changling, werewolf, overall monsters) dies on same coordinates of crematorium unit (they be cremated... alive), since getting them there alive is quite a task if taken solo.
+Benefits of gaining more faith:
. Reduces effectiveness of antag (vampire, wizard) abilities on chaplain themselves (currently always 100%), on non-chaplain while they are inside of chapel, and or being near a chaplain.
. Increase damage over time on vampire if they dare set foot into chapel.
. Chance to remove 'Atheist' trait when beating an atheist with bible if faith reached certain threshold.
. Chance to not consume bullet when shooting the Faith if faith reached certain threshold.
. Get messages like 'A soul just left their body in pain.' when a person dies if faith reached certain threshold.

+Addition to lose faith:
. Having blood on more than 4 tiles in chapel, over time,.
. When chaplain heals people with bible and get a punch/shove by said person, single.
. When chaplain drops the bible (willingly, or was forced), single per few minutes.
. When people die in chapel, not on same tile a bible lying, single.
. When people die by bible farting, single.
. When live vampire stand in chapel, overtime.
. When live vampire, wizard use abilities while stand in chapel, single.
. When people dies with less than 50u of blood in them, single.
. When chaplain shooting the Faith, single.
. When vampire/wizard shooting the Faith, single.
. When bible be cremated, single.
. When chaplain themselves dies by bible farting, single.
. Number of dead body on station.
+Benefits of losing faith (benefits antag mostly):
. Increase effectiveness of antag (vampire, wizard) abilities on chaplain themselves (currently always 0%), on non-chaplain while they are inside of chapel, and or being near a chaplain.
. Increase amount of brain damage deal by bible beating.
. Decreases damage over time on vampire if they dare set foot on chapel.
. When downed to a threshold, chaplain can no longer take the Faith out of bible.
. When downed to a threshold, chaplain can no longer hold the Faith.
. When downed to a threshold, chaplain will get burn damage if holding a bible.

-In addition, an antag version of the Faith (job reward like detective revolver?), with chance to not consume bullet when chaplain has 0 faith and being contraband.

-Anyone can practically fill full toolbelt of 9mm after 5 minutes into the round if they want to, shooting the Faith consumes faith would help limit amount of chaplain power gaming, personally I think starting faith should run out after about 2 mags (20 shots, including default 4 bullets).

-Also, healing by bible beating should definitely be adjusted, especially the upper tiers. Should a chaplain out healing mender with starting faith, out healing a counter rev implant to stay rev forever by themselves, or even space walking with the shear amount of believe in Christ,...etc as additions to having gun as starting gear and immune to certain antags abilities. While there is concern of brain damage, if anything else, mannitol is just too easy to acquire.

Having all that is sure up the expectation from people for a late join chaplain on Classic when vampire/wizard rampaging, making chaplain sudden top prioritized target to be round removed when they set foot off Arrival. I think late join chaplain should get more starting faith if there any vampire/wizard is in the round.

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RE: faith mechanic ideas here plz - by TDHooligan - 02-06-2024, 08:56 AM
RE: faith mechanic ideas here plz - by terrandelta - 02-04-2024, 07:26 PM

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