Jack Hunter HOS application (2nd attempt)
Having played alongside Jack Hunter a large amount over the past year or so I can definitely say that they have made great leaps of improvement in the past months and are right at the cusp of being capable enough for me to give a +1, though there is one last thing missing. While I believe they have every part of being an officer and good roleplayer down I think a bit more shown leadership is what I want to see before I can give wholehearted approval. I think they have it in them to make it perhaps before the end of this cycle though, so I'll be watching with high hopes that I can come back here to revise my response in the near future. I can at least say they are certainly putting in genuine effort. Good luck Sandman. Until then, I'll remain neutral.

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RE: Jack Hunter HOS application (2nd attempt) - by Wander - 02-01-2024, 01:20 AM

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