01-25-2024, 09:03 PM
This'll be my shortest reply I think I've ever made on the forums.
I just want to be able to customize my cakes and donuts with cool-colored frostings, I don't think we need to turn that into an interdepartmental affair. I don't want my plans for x- or y-themed cakes/donuts to go out the window because botany couldn't be bothered/wasn't able to grow strawberries for strawberry milk. There are plenty of other reasons for the bar/kitchen to work with botany, making reagents doesn't need to be one of them. All for this change.
I just want to be able to customize my cakes and donuts with cool-colored frostings, I don't think we need to turn that into an interdepartmental affair. I don't want my plans for x- or y-themed cakes/donuts to go out the window because botany couldn't be bothered/wasn't able to grow strawberries for strawberry milk. There are plenty of other reasons for the bar/kitchen to work with botany, making reagents doesn't need to be one of them. All for this change.