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[CLOSED PR] Adds viscorgans to the medical fabricator
Roboticists shouldn't have a monopoly on surgery, but Mordent's solution of pre-ordering organs from Botany has such a high chance of those organs never getting used (as discussed in a similarly-themed thread focused on interdepartmental collaboration between the Chef and Botany) that that's exactly what will happen. "Resolving in-game via social pressure" means changing the culture of the game, and design decisions that rely on doing that should make cultural change a *focus,* rather than blindly hoping that culture will change in a certain way. Botany's not going to want to grow synthorgans for medical if they only get used 5% of the time; that "social pressure" will lead to friction between the departments. Sure, Medical might get their organs, but both sides end up frustrated and upset by the process if social pressure needs to be applied.

Roboticists aren't actively discouraged from surgery just because doctors can do it-- They're discouraged from it because the same doctor who starts treating the patient's other injuries is the one who scans the guy and notices the organ needs replacing. Changing organ fabrication to be Robotics-exclusive encourages a "hand-off" of patients between doctors and roboticists, but I don't think the enhancement that handoff adds to gameplay (and roleplay for RP) is worth the hit to treatment time and the challenge of communicating what's wrong with the patient. This is a game where you can't do things as you talk, and you can do things far faster than you can talk about doing things-- I don't like the idea of.

All that being said, I do think that moving the highly-powerful cyberorgans to be robotics-exclusive is a good idea! Giving doctors shitty organs to replace as a slapdash solution is way cooler than just giving them the same fancy stuff Robotics has, and making the fabricated organs *bad* gives doctors an incentive to prepare their own organs by harvesting organs from dead monkeys. I'd personally like to see one or two medical cadavers supplied in the morgue at roundstart for doctors to harvest, either as an alternative to the viscerite organs or just as a full-on replacement... I just think it's cooler.

My biggest (and frankly, only) gripe with this PR is from a lore perspective... Viscerite is martian meat, martian building material, etc... It's easy for martians to mold, reshape, and build with is, because they are it and it is them. It's incredibly out of place to me for a fabricator to be able to sculpt viscerite into working organs-- humanity's not been shown being able to do something like that before AFAIK.

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RE: [PR] Adds viscorgans to the medical fabricator - by mintyphresh - 01-25-2024, 08:02 AM

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