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[CLOSED PR] Adds viscorgans to the medical fabricator
It seems like: "This is a boring thing for robotcists to do"
Is a common problem.

In my opinion... Doctoring can be fun too, but is mostly jampacked and frustrating... thus on a lot of shifts, doctors are in a low and you cannot do a gimmick like: "I am a skin doctor"

Meanwhile 3 robotcists get in eachothers way and have nothing to do... mostly if I get roboticist with 3 others... i become a doctor by default or wander about.

So I think it's time roboticists drop to two per station. Two is a perfect number to run any roboticist lab as the 3rd one 9/10 is just the "3rd wheel" and only is useful if the are two are newbies.

Anyway enough derailing, back to viscerite organs....
I know a perfect way of making viscerite organs an useful alternative DESPITE being worst.

Now hear me out... It doesn't require surgery to add a visercite organ.
Someone's heart stops? Print a visercite heart and left click on it to start an action bar to replace it. Once done... the organ replaces it self.
So insted of cutting someone open.. the alternative and worst organ.. doesn't require ANY surgery at all.

Thus giving Synth organs a reason to exist, donors and also cyborg parts. But at the same time NOT being useless at ALL.

From a gameplay standpoint and newbie stand point it makes sense the "Easier way to fix things" should be the worst approach, but the full on fix or improvement the hardest and most risk.

By making visercite organs litterly be: "Just eat it and it will replace your current organ" , suddenly that life saving surgery under much stress is delayed.
It also means we can introduce more ways of Organ Damaging for fun ways to play.

See it as "Auto Mending" for organs, but the result isn't as good as doing straight up surgery!

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RE: [PR] Adds viscorgans to the medical fabricator - by Kotlol - 01-25-2024, 07:36 AM

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