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Chaplain Additions suggestion (Again)
(This isn't going to be very organized, just a fair few thoughts from someone who has played and loved chaplain for a fair amount of time)

Admittedly despite playing chaplain a lot, I have a fair bit of difficulty thinking about what it needs and what would be best to enhance it as a role. I don't have much of any idea on how to add "more purpose" to the role that wouldn't just either step on the toes of antag roles and/or other roles. I do, however, fully support simply adding more ways to give the chaplain ideas on what to do.

A vending machine full of different types of clothing and spiritual items would be a great and simple way to show off different ideas and organize what would likely be a very expansive list of wearable items. I think even better, you could have "packs" for the different types of chaplains (Fire pack has fire robes and a censer, honkmother pack has clown clothes and bike horn, not expansive list but you get it).

I think that another gun like the Webley could easily be a job reward. Simple as

As for real world representation, it's a bit difficult. I will say beforehand that the chaplain (as it stands now) Is very inherently based around Christianity. You have the bible, holy water and the wine you own, the protection against "unholy" antags, the fact you start out in reverend's clothing, mentions of God and the Lord. Just respriting the bible wouldn't disconnect it from all the other Christian-themed items and mechanics. If at some point it is decided to remove any reference of Christianity from the chaplain's gearset, I don't know there would be any practical way without a full redesign of the role's mechanics. While I personally am in favor of enabling both real world religions and fictional ones, I would understand the choice not to. Even if I did have to hang up the ol' Space Christian faith.

The issue with adding mechanical benefits to the chaplain as far as different faiths go (assuming no real-world religious ties left or otherwise) is that it would add more mechanically sound options and maybe even metas to a role designed around RP. I also do find it to be impossible to appease everyone in that even if each set got its own powers, as people are very creative and might have faiths in mind that scope outside of the offered sets. If we did ever propose the idea of abilities for chaplain, I personally think that using the faith's holy book as a spellbook of sorts to access a large list of universal abilities scaled off faith would be perfect. It allows you to tailor your chaplain's abilities based around the faith you choose and would allow everyone to customize to the character they see fit. It would even give the chaplain a cool goal of getting enough congregates to access their higher tier abilities.

Even with all of this said, I wouldn't want to put too much effort into making the chaplain "mechanically unique". It's already a special, niche role and even with these abilities I don't foresee it getting much playtime over roles with much much more depth gameplay-wise. The chaplain, despite being christian themed at a base level, is a role I have seen customized already so much despite the limitations. The chapel is also a perfect place for almost any form of sermon, event, hymn, you name it. I enjoy chaplain as is, but I wholeheartedly support anything that makes it more fun and accessible for people

Plus I realy like being da Holy Cow I fink it's funnee

Messages In This Thread
Chaplain Additions suggestion (Again) - by WhatMG - 01-24-2024, 12:03 PM
RE: Chaplain Additions suggestion (Again) - by Largeamountsofscreaming - 01-24-2024, 02:04 PM

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