Complaint Banned when I should have just been told to knock it off
(01-17-2024, 01:36 PM)Tarmunora Wrote: You are not entitled to be let of with a warning yet again.
Yes, this particular incident is one that could have just gotten you a "please stop", but in the context of your previous history of behaviour, we're not convinced that warnings work with you, so you got a ban instead.
And in case you think this is just me being "out to get you" for whatever reason, your - shall we say 'shotgun approach' of DMing multiple admins, taking it into ]reports, and having a tantrum on the discord - has ensured that quite a bit of the team has seen this and agrees that you should go.

I'm not asking to be let off with a warning. There's nothing to be "let off" from. I did not break the rules, at all. I had no way of knowing this would be such an issue. What I did was easily resolvable by just telling me to stop. From when I started playing earnestly in October to today, there is nothing in my pattern of behaviour to suggest I wouldn't accept being told to stop, that's hogwash.

The shotgun approach, DMing admins, taking it to ]reports, having a tantrum on the Discord, none of it would have happened if you had just TOLD ME TO KNOCK IT OFF DURING THE GAME. Either I would have complied and never gotten banned, or you would have banned me for not complying and I'd have no business contesting it. I am sorry for the outburst, and for accusing you of being out to get me, but it was downright soul crushing when I was feeling so good after that round, joking in the chat that I love radicalising the crew, being told in the chat that I should also try being a radio show arms dealer, huge smile on my face thinking I gave people a good time, constantly thinking I'm building up goodwill with every genuine round I play and then out of nowhere: "I think it's time for you to leave, buster". And the fact that you could have and should have literally just told me to knock it off, that is some meltdown-inducing shit right there.

If I was a shitter, I would just hop to another server whenever I got banned and never get attached to any. If my plan was to immediately do more things that will get me banned, I wouldn't be trying so hard to get unbanned.

If I do something in-game and receive an admin ping telling me to knock it off, I will ALWAYS knock it off. I swear to God. There's no reason for me to NOT knock it off. I do not like being banned, as I'm sure you've gathered.

Please, where are these four other incidents I've supposedly caused since November? I seriously want to know. I want to understand why this bias against me exists and where it came from - beyond just "I acted like a shitter when I first started playing" - so I can LEARN FROM IT.

Are you absolutely certain that the four other incidents since November you've ascribed to me since were actually me? Because I'm not.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Banned when I should have just been told to knock it off - by squirrel slapper - 01-17-2024, 02:43 PM

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