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[MERGED PR] Cyborg Module Tool List Reorganization
I still think borg modules need to be 5 things:

1: presets as we have now.
2: Customizable sets by letting robotcists pick and chose what's needed. (cause brobocop has things I want on civilian)
3: Each item has a "Module capacity cost" (The better it is the more it costs)
4: Managing of power consumption. (More tools means more power consumption)
5: Have basic tools like every cyborg without slotting into a preset.

This is a step into the direction I want and making robotcists more fun to play.

I think a lot of borg players would love to be a miner borg, but remove some of the carrying tools and bring medical tools along to heal their organic miners.
That said.. we do need to make sure medical tools cost a lot of capacity, so not every borg has a mender on hand every second.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [PR] Cyborg Module Default Tool List Reorganization - by Kotlol - 12-28-2023, 09:14 AM

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