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[MERGED PR] Disables antag captains on classic
Feel kind of against it but close to neutral at the same time. Would think maybe it would just be better in long run.

While they do get extra stuff to start off with, if someone is going to be rampaging, there's a good chance they are going to be ending up with stuns and AA anyways. Security headsets are available in crates on the bridge too, which a fair number of antag players are seen going for. It's up to the player to choose what they do with what they have, and not all players choose to rampage. I'm sure there's also many moments where a captain, who by being a traitor, spiced up the round through their role, specifically because of what they have and how that gives a reason for security to chase them, or the captain using others' trust of them in a deceiving way.

Captain being an antag feels a part of the variety of the game, in the jobs that antagonists can appear as. Related, preventing them from being antagonists adds the extra trust to them that feels like it'd be best reserved for Security, to help preserve the uncertainty of who you can trust and the backstabbing that can happen.

Not saying it will happen, maybe not at all, but a possible slope from this, pointed out in #6093, is captains inevitably getting mindhack protection implants because of the extra trust they'd be given

Will admit though antag caps seem to be arrested/demoted in similar fashion across rounds.

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RE: [PR] Disables antag captains on classic - by FlameArrow57 - 12-17-2023, 07:17 PM

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