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[MERGED PR] Disables antag captains on classic
I don't really like the idea of disabling cap antags. In my opinion the cap isn't a trustable person in the same way the det isn't ( I mean there is several references to the cap being corrupt and stealing NT funds on multiple maps ). Plus as people have said there is a pretty high chance that captain will just become sec+ which will make over staffed sec rounds even worse for antags. I am in agreement with Rmeaper though that Egun should be changed out for just the captain's saber, The captain already has the antique they can repair if they really need a gun and the Egun to be honest is just REALLY powerful with the ability to near instantly kill even armored targets at close range if you mag dump them.

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RE: [PR] Disables antag captains on classic - by rando212 - 12-17-2023, 04:26 PM

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