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Space Engineers
Yeah, there definitely needs to be a button to disable thrusters/inertial dampening/whatever it's called.

One thing that I majorly love in this game is the destruction. Yesterday I set myself up a target and make a long swordship and rammed it into the wall repeatedly to see the destruction. The target has thrusters in all directions so it levels out instead of flying into space at high speeds.
The target itself was 2 blocks thick with a 4 block thick backboard in the center. The ship had six forward thrusters, one side thruster for each direction, two reverse thrusters and then two thrusters on each side for up/down (2 for up 2 for down). The max speed was 70.2 M/s.

The swordship itself.
[Image: 2013-10-26_00005_zps65a66f0f.jpg]
[Image: 2013-10-26_00006_zps4b57c7a3.jpg]
[Image: 2013-10-26_00007_zps4e549516.jpg]
The target
[Image: 2013-10-26_00004_zps4cd26af4.jpg]
[Image: 2013-10-26_00003_zpse7d953c7.jpg]
The aftermath
test 1
[Image: 2013-10-26_00002_zps449c08e3.jpg]
[Image: 2013-10-26_00001_zpsdce85d15.jpg]
test 2
[Image: 2013-10-26_00010_zpsa5d56364.jpg]
[Image: 2013-10-26_00011_zpsf2d44180.jpg]
The puncturing on test 2 is amazing. It bore a hole straight through. The impact of test 2 destroyed most of the sword ship and sent the debris flying into space, I never saw it again. It took out the control console/gyroscope/most the gens so it just spun away into the distance. It was awesome.

This game is, quite frankly, beautiful. Even with the little content it actually has; I love it.

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