10-26-2013, 05:16 PM
Devin Jowers: An Idiot, or An Author?
A documentary of his works
Devin Jowers: A riddle, wrapped up in a mystery, inside an enigma. Who was Devin Jowers? Some saw him as your ordinary space man, farting on others when need be, and not doing his job. But some saw him as a brilliant writer. After killing himself after being exposed to simethicone gas, people went to his alleyway box apartment to loot what little valuables he had. But one found these set of papers in the "used toilet paper" bin. Soon, the unknown man who got around to reading the papers realized what a genius this deceased man was, and gave it to his writing friend to finish it. Here, we have the original copy of the unfinished story.
It breaks many a heart to realized we may never have a brilliant mind like the young Devin Jowers in this generation ever again.
A documentary of his works
Devin Jowers: A riddle, wrapped up in a mystery, inside an enigma. Who was Devin Jowers? Some saw him as your ordinary space man, farting on others when need be, and not doing his job. But some saw him as a brilliant writer. After killing himself after being exposed to simethicone gas, people went to his alleyway box apartment to loot what little valuables he had. But one found these set of papers in the "used toilet paper" bin. Soon, the unknown man who got around to reading the papers realized what a genius this deceased man was, and gave it to his writing friend to finish it. Here, we have the original copy of the unfinished story.
The Story Outline:
an officer of the law is fighting syndicate invaders and is terribly wounded fighting them and loses both of his arms
the doctors save him but cannot recover his arms and must use the arms of a clown instead
he is turned into a clown himself thanks to the arms and must battle crimes with bananas and clowning around
the evil syndiates who escape come back for a finale scene where the officer must sacrafice himself to save the station and after his death all the people who hated him (which was everyone) realize what a great member of the team he was and they all miss him dearly
The unfinished, original script for the hit movie, "Honey, I Honked the Syndicates"
security officer: what a fine day to be serving the crew
janitor:hey officer, thanks for being so cool and the best
officer: no problem citizen it is all in a days work
*there is an explosion*
officer: oh no there are syndicate invaders!
syndicate invaders: HA HA HA WE ARE HERE TO CAUSE HAVOK
*they all shoot the officer and then cut off his arms*
syndicate invaders :HA HA HA WE WILL BE BACK
*doctors arrive on scene and heal up the officer*
doctor one: we cannot find his arms, they must have taken them with them
doctor two: we will have to use...THE CLOWN ARMS
*the doctors attach the clown arms to the officer*
officer: where am I..whats..HONK
doctor one: oh no he is a clown thats terrible!
doctor two: I hate him now forever
*the clown officer cries*
*there is another explosion*
clown: honk honk
*the clown throws bananas at the syndicates and they all slip and miss their rocket and blow themselves up but also the clown*
doctor one: he saved us all but at what p *The rest of the script was covered in some chili-night squirts and was unable to be read*
It breaks many a heart to realized we may never have a brilliant mind like the young Devin Jowers in this generation ever again.