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Best moments ever thread 2.0
After attacking a guy with a derringer with my cyalume saber on an admin mess a-round, we were both bit by monkeys, and he got up before I could, stealing my saber. The following hilarity ensued. I played the role of Monkey (113).

monkey (113) chimpers, "Now we're both monkeys"
monkey (113) chimpers, "So I guess we're cool?"
You begin to recover.
the monkey (154) attacks the monkey (113) with the cyalume saber!
monkey (113) chimpers, "Or not"
the monkey (154) attacks the monkey (113) with the cyalume saber!
the monkey (154) attacks the monkey (113) with the cyalume saber!
monkey (113) chimpers, "Why brother?"
the monkey (154) attacks the monkey (113) with the cyalume saber!
monkey (154) chimpers, "Fucker"
monkey (113) chimpers, "Turn it on, dunce"
monkey (154) chimpers, "It is on"
monkey (113) chimpers, "No its not"
monkey (154) chimpers, "I thought it was"
monkey (154) chimpers, "Fuck"
monkey (113) chimpers, "Dimb wit"
the monkey (154) attacks the monkey (113) with the cyalume saber!
the monkey (154) attacks the monkey (113) with the cyalume saber!

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