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Re-examining the Ling, a case study
(11-04-2023, 03:48 PM)Silent Majority Wrote: -I think a lings DNA should show as unknown if scanning their blood or bodyparts. I think this should extend to ling parts. I think handprints should stay the same. The ling itself isn't even the original person. I feel that making their dna from normal non print dna evidence harder to pinpoint without finding the ling will open up the ling to doing some more daring stuff or using bodyparts more often. As is a bodypart is a 100 percent trap to catch the ling. Plus being able to scan someone and say 'you're nolt who you say you are' is fun.

My biggest issue with lings is they are incentiviced to NOT use DNA crazily.
Changing your form is free.. but changing form, then dropping a limb critter, then changing back is so much time and work.. it's not worth it.

Heck limb critters alone aren't worth it. I love spawning them, but if one gets killed...I am basically busted.
Sure the idea is... kill then change into a new form, rinse and repeat...
But the problem is... you lose DNA due to your critters dieing.
There is a reason I love spamming eyes, they slip things and explode and are free.

But the moment I give up a hand... they die, I get busted, I lost my arm for a while...all of it is "dead air"

If you don't wanna be busted for deploying a limb still need to hide in a corner and hide possible missing limbs (wich can be easily found out by an examine). So...  the most optimal hand critter deployment would be:
- Change into victim, wait till fully changed.
- Deploy arm critter.
- Wait for arm to regrow
- Wait to change back to normal.
- Resume working.
- Now your limb critter can die but you then waste precious DNA.

And that is.. THE MAIN PROBLEM.
To get DNA you gotta kill humans and absorb em. Wich takes time.
The only other way costs DNA and if killed , reveals who you are. This is why hivemind is boring... cause the dead players can easily betray the ling by getting killed.
By simply changing it to: "Limb critters dont give DNA prints or false ones." would already increase the use of it.
Heck even if you regrow your limb instantly but it's a "random limb" helps a lot too.

To fix hiveminds, limb critters need to be changed. That or... gain DNA points differently too insted of just killing.
Like for example absorbing random limbs to gain very low DNA points.
This will make the ling more willing to use DNA to take more risks with critters to pay off with even more DNA/victims.

Also if you fear this will make a "passive horrorform farming ling" ... Horror form gets weaker the less hivemind it has. As the more people are absorbed... the more can spit acid during the form.

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RE: Re-examining the Ling, a case study - by Kotlol - 11-05-2023, 01:19 PM

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