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Space Engineers
Okay, so I just bought Space Engineers, which is a game where you play as an engineer in space. Right now it's in alpha and for most people is a "make big spaceship and crash into another big spaceship" simulator. For me, it's more like i'm building a new ministation outside of ss13's main station. Every time I start working on my current space station, I have to continuously check behind me in case an assistant with a welder is trying to grief me (Even though they don't even exist in this game).

He's a picture of my space station currently. I have no skill, so I didn't make a giant rotating circle or anything. The building attached is my reactor room that powers up the lights and gravity generators. It's connected VIA a catwalk. The giant red ship is part of quickstart, I mostly just use it to crash things.

[Image: 25823B65C2721A45A1ABECAD6538409A28812746]

Here's a picture of the reactor core entrance from the catwalk.

[Image: D39421861FE07FC21235D8242519B3D35B751611]

Here's the inside of the reactor core, not very glamorous.

[Image: E223DEE83C1F3771FAC3D59AEF886C3432644D0D]

This is some really crappy ship I made, the 4 spears pointing out are made of light armor and I'm going to attempt to use them to stab into the giant red ship. The red ship is a gorillion times bigger than my ship.

[Image: 516FDC6AD7BF7A377863FE4BA8B128280C85A9FC]

Here's a pic from inside the cockpit of my little boat, preparing to kamikaze straight into the big red ship.

[Image: 8EF42D7681C010BCB1D5BCEC7A0C2E5D124CFE1F]


[Image: 6F17D8E6F29FEEAE57AD22F1788CBCFC4C35D06B]

It looks like I almost put a dent in it, broke the bottom 2 spears pretty badly. the edges are really sharp looking.

Here's another pic of the little ships aftermath. It's still able to move and fly around, thankfully.
[Image: 05F6815768909BCA156EE15031C579A1CC470982]

This game is fun, can't wait for multiplayer to come out.

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