HoS Application - David Davies (Zhail)
Haven't been playing a lot lately aside from observing, but from what I've seen you're good at not taking yourself too seriously and keeping the round entertaining either through leeway or bits with other players. As an HoS I hope that you're able to put your foot down or know when to be serious but... From what I've seen I have no doubts you'll manage. To add, out of the secoff's I observe you're one of the most consistent ones, and I don't really have to "worry" about you doing anything that I wouldn't see as good form; Nothing I've seen so far has been worse than mistakes I've made myself, so if nothing else, I'd say you're above the bar for HoS'. +1, Wavies smile

Messages In This Thread
HoS Application - David Davies (Zhail) - by Zhail - 08-10-2023, 02:00 PM
RE: HoS Application - David Davies (Zhail) - by Honeybree - 10-31-2023, 07:50 PM

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