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Dsypraxia needs changes, negative stereotypes
Hiya! This one has been cooking a bit and i was never sure when to say it but...

Dsypraxia is a developemental disorder.  Its usually called "clumsy child syndrome". 6% of the population have dsypraxia.  They dont rip their eyeballs put with forks trying to eat drop items or fail to open doors.

Using it in the manner it is used is a bit othering, we have players here with dsypraxia.

What we probably intended to use is Atraxia. Atraxia is a brain damage disorder that causes inability to do fine motor skills.

I firmly believe the name should be.changed..I also think yhat if cloned into atraxia, or having developed it from.lomg term brain damage (something i think should happen),  it should be  treatable with manitol.

Failing that just name it clown genetics.

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Dsypraxia needs changes, negative stereotypes - by Silent Majority - 10-31-2023, 12:34 PM

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