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TEG enhancement: acquire more farts, agent B, and GHC
This is a plan to make the TEG more fun to play and experiment with. Enhancing TEG operation is inordinately difficult (due to resource rarity), when compared to the other engines. So, this plan's method is adding ways to gain certain, troublesome resources.

These resources are: fart gas, oxygen agent B, and graphene hardening compound.

For now, my safest idea for the plan, is a space-based (on the quartermaster console) trader that sells these resources. These traders are fairly reliably available. They can have limited stocks over the round, and they deal in credits which aren't too hard to scrounge up.

There's another, more complicated idea. A trader NPC for interacting with engineers directly. Lives in the space diner, or anywhere accessible and sensible.
This trader deals in barter, like the Salvager Magpie trader (but with a shared barter point account). They buy bounty targets, such as tech equipment salvaged, recycled, or otherwise acquired from the station, and trade rare items that engineers would want. Like farts, agent B, and GHC.

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TEG enhancement: acquire more farts, agent B, and GHC - by smilg - 10-30-2023, 02:23 AM

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