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[MERGED PR] Purgatives and dialysis machine rebalance
What I usually see in Classic is moreso that people don't rather than can't, get backup. A lot of people running off and still just doing their own thing by themselves or recklessly going through maints and other less-public places.
If things were to stay as there are after this change, I would agree more with you. But I see this as a step towards a more social Classic; and that the change, itself, will ideally affect peoples' behavior towards something I believe would be better for the game and its enjoyment overall. Essentially I disagree with the ideal that it "wont make people use comms" - if not from this particular change, then from other changes in this vein of which this is a part.

Apologies for misunderstanding the bit about interestingness. I did not intend to misconstrue what you said; more to the point, I do agree that it is unfortunate that some of the dynamism in that case (which I agree exists and is a good thing) is lost, but I think I have a different conclusion - that it is either a loss worth the gains from the change, or that it would be good to reduce smelling salts a bit as well, keeping calomel better.

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RE: [PR] Purgatives and dialysis machine rebalance - by saccharineChampion - 10-29-2023, 10:38 AM

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