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[CLOSED PR] Aetherion Station
New Aetherion update today, in response to feedback in this thread. Thanks to everyone who replied!

(10-20-2023, 08:46 AM)TDHooligan Wrote: [...]
things that bug me:
1. chemistry shouldn't be shared between doctors/chemists as doctors shouldn't by default have the fancy chemistry glassware, or be working with it.
2. your south main hallway is 2 tiles wide, but i reckon you're going to get the most footfall in there. make it wider.
3. engineering is HUGE. H-U-G-E. it's SO big for a comparatively low footfall department

chemistry lacks tables/ table space.
robotics door is adjacent to where two people will be performing surgery and won't want to be shoved

cloning is TINY. it's too small. not only is it small, it's the only way in and out of Genetics, and someone's sitting in the door! Oshan's gets clogged on the best of days.
cargo's tables look like they'd get in the way of working and dragging crates properly.
cargo is very cramped for the most large-object heavy department.
captain's office is 1 window away from a public hallway
solitary has a connecting window to a public maintenance. and is a very easy way to break into the armory.
  • Medical access has now been removed from chemistry, making it now just a chemlab and not a pharmacy.
  • The south primary hallway is now three tiles wide instead of two.
  • And an engineering floorspace rework is coming soon.
As for the nitpicks...
  • I agree that chemistry needs more table space, and i'll try and find a way to include it, even if it means making it one tile taller.
  • Cloning was originally open access to medbay, but upon suggestions, i decided to turn it into a glass walled room. Should I turn it back to how it was, or should I swap the positions of the cryo pods and cloning? I'm partial to the open layout myself, but there are balance considerations.
  • Cargo's tables are foldable tables and can be removed to make more space. Generally speaking I feel like that should be okay. They're really there because it felt way too empty in that spot otherwise. I've shifted them one tile to the right just to make that empty area
  • Captain's office... It's behind a reinforced electrified plasmaglass window, just like it is on Kondaru. I will probably move tables to be in the way as well, to hinder efforts. But good catch anyway, i forgot about blocking entry with tables.
  • Solitary confinement having only one reinforced wall between it and the armoury is an intentional decision. That's also why the poster is there, hiding the tunnel being made, just like in movies! But I agree that the maintenance window, there, while funny before, now makes breaking into the armoury a bit too easy. The two ideas (laugh at this user, and tunnelling in) were considered separately instead of together. As a result, the window has been removed and replaced with a double layered reinforced wall.

(10-20-2023, 06:02 PM)Snowy Wrote: [...] where is the mining/diner shuttle?
The mining shuttle is underneath catering, right next to the boxing ring! It's behind mining shuttle access doors, and the maintenance door leading to it has mining shuttle access too, so that miners can get there from arrivals. It's a bit far to walk, yes, but that seems to be okay judging by other maps.

(10-20-2023, 08:13 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Sec I feel could benefit from having a larger square of open space. Some of the best action in Sec happens when a prisoner is loose and there's a table in the middle of a big room for them to run around in and put distance between them & Sec. This Sec is mostly narrow halls, so less room to dodge, easier to catch people in.

Not sure if intentional or not, but the two larger Sec Pods are trapped on that dock by the way the smaller one is positioned. It would need to be moved to give the one of the other ones enough clearance to get the other moved. I feel like at least one of the larger ones should be able to clear the dock without moving the smaller one so that someone would have size choice on that first pick
  • A more spacious security department is definitely important, I'll try and redo the floor plan in a way that has fewer dividing walls and more dividing tables, if that makes sense.
  • As for the sec pod layout, them being trapped is not intentional. This has been fixed. You can now go out in either the small pod or the front of the two big pods. Still a bit cramped but the room has been rearranged a bit.

Thank you everyone once again, for both positive reviews and constructive feedback.

As for the whole thing about "not accepting new maps unless persuaded otherwise"...
I don't really have much more to say than what's already been said. Lowpop lacks maps. I feel like it'd be really shallow of me to install a gimmick just so that the map has a more unique experience when played on. Every map is already unique to me. Maybe it's just a personal preference of mine, being partial to cogmap1/2 and kondaru, but there's something I find quite nice about ordinary space based stations. Not that any of them are really ordinary anyway.
My personal view is that the station is different from other rotation maps and would offer a different playing experience, even if outwardly it has no huge changes. All the little details when put together are what makes it special to me. At the end of the day, though, it's just a space station.
P.S. existing maps are welcome to use the listening post and ghostdrone factory created for Aetherion.

Messages In This Thread
[CLOSED PR] Aetherion Station - by github_bot - 10-20-2023, 07:23 AM
RE: [PR] Aetherion Station - by Tyrant - 10-20-2023, 07:31 AM
RE: [PR] Aetherion Station - by babywrangler85 - 10-20-2023, 08:31 AM
RE: [PR] Aetherion Station - by 444explorer - 10-20-2023, 08:33 AM
RE: [PR] Aetherion Station - by Rmeaper - 10-20-2023, 08:34 AM
RE: [PR] Aetherion Station - by TDHooligan - 10-20-2023, 08:46 AM
RE: [PR] Aetherion Station - by Tarmunora - 10-20-2023, 08:50 AM
RE: [PR] Aetherion Station - by Lord_earthfire - 10-20-2023, 08:53 AM
RE: [PR] Aetherion Station - by Snowy :D - 10-20-2023, 06:02 PM
RE: [PR] Aetherion Station - by Frank_Stein - 10-20-2023, 08:13 PM
RE: [PR] Aetherion Station - by Tyrant - 10-21-2023, 08:17 AM
RE: [CLOSED PR] Aetherion Station - by Tyrant - 10-21-2023, 09:15 PM

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