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[PR] Removes additional access from Security Officers and Heads of Security on the...
I am fine with security not having semi-AA... the detective doesnt have it and it allows security to work more with detective tools to "check what's going on"
And also have more people stationed at the camera's to "look" inside. It makes better RP... though now security and detective are kinda on even levels.

BUT...Do not touch the HoS/NTSO access at all. They should be the exception since they are whitelisted too.
I think having the heads have Semi-AA is fine in this case since they are hired by NT themselves to keep the station safe.

This also makes the HoS a more go to person for security when it comes to checking things.

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RE: [PR] Removes additional access from Security Officers and Heads of Security on the... - by Kotlol - 10-21-2023, 07:01 AM

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